Friday, August 28, 2009


"I was in this house the day you were born
I spent several days afterward watching you, and wondering
You were small, and full of life, and you needed me

I taught you everything I knew
How to walk, how to tie your shoes, how to read and write
When you were old enough, you followed me everywhere

Then things changed, and we were separated
We found happiness where we were able
Even if it never felt complete, something missing

You returned to this house, a truce made
And we had a chance to correct old wrongs
To be the people we felt we should be

And now things have changed again
Neither of us is who we thought we were
But it has given us a chance at a new beginning

What won't change...

I am still here for you, as I have always been
For you, and the children we will have together
We'll make this house a home again
Something it hasn't known since we were children
This is my promise."

Simple words, witnesses, and wine shared. I didn't ask anyone to officiate, because we had the Ubar of Cos, the Admin of Port Cos, and an Arian Magistrate all present. I had no wish to start a political incident, and there were far more people present than I had expected to come. I gave Bonnie a tea house, no small feat considering I had to have it constructed almost overnight on the area by the pond, a small bridge linking where it stands, and the rest of the garden.

We're on Cos, doing a great deal of pacing about, and waiting. Pierre and Sydney were kind enough to remain, so that Sydney could help Bonnie. Bonnie's uncomfortable, and I do what I can by way of massaging her back and getting her mind off things, but I know she doesn't sleep well. I plan to let her catch up when Julian is born, something that should be happening any day now. We're both tired, and I can tell she's anxious, but I don't think we've ever been happier.

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